Pelvic Floor Pregnancy & Postpartum Services

  • Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

    1-on-1 Evaluation and Treatments with a doctor of Physical Therapy. We strive to find the root cause of your symptoms and help you reach your goals. We can help you overcome urinary incontinence, urgency, and frequency, pain with intercourse, pelvic organ prolapse, constipation, post-operative (hernia or hysterectomy), and help you manage menopause symptoms.

    We treat you as a whole person because your symptoms may be caused from outside the pelvic floor.

    75-90 Minute Evaluation

    60 Minute Follow-up ere

  • Pregnancy and Postpartum

    1-on-1 Evaluations and Treatments with a Doctor of Physical Therapy. We offer services for all stages of motherhood. We come alongside moms during pregnancy and postpartum to help with aches and pains, staying active in the gym, preparing for labor, and navigating postpartum.

    We believe postpartum care can start as soon as mom is ready- whether thats 2 weeks, 6 weeks, or years. We can help with all pelvic floor concerns, aches/pains associated with caring for a newborn, and orthopedic concerns.

    75-90 Minute Evaluation

    60 minute Follow-up

  • Birth Preparation

    1-on-1 visit with a Doctor of Physical Therapy. Helping moms-to-be and their support person prepare for labor. We will provide education on perineal massage and pelvic floor preparation for reduced tearing risk, pushing strategies, labor positions, pain management options, and early postpartum recovery.

    75-90 minute evaluation

    Recommended one to two 60 minute follow-ups based on evaluation and education needs.